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Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Twin Brother Darkness! Morning weight is 180, pretty happy with that.

Foam roll upper and thoracic mobility

Bench Press
45 x 10
95 x 10
135 x 5
165 x 3
185 x 3
205 x 3
225 x 1
225 x 15 - PR + 1 - new best Riding solo tonight so no spot. Felt like I had 1 maybe 2 more in the tank but called it after the new best. Actually really pumped with this. Haven't gotten a bench PR in about 3 years.

Weighted pullup
Bw x 5, 5
45 x 5
70 x 3
90 x 1
105 x 4
70 x 11 Both PRs

Stupid upper body circuit - chipper
1. 8 muscleups (full rom)
2. 30 double unders
3. 30 handstand pushups
4. 30 double unders
5. 30 pullups
6. 30 double unders
7. 30 ring pushups
8. 30 double unders
9. 30 knees to elbows
10. 30 double unders
11. 30 ring dips (had to do a muscleup to get up there, really a bitch)
12. 30 double unders
13. 30 ring recline rows
14. 30 double unders

17:50 - nothing was particularly hard or easy. My muscleups are definitely improving. Getting full range and almost got 8 in a row. Missed the 8th barely.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010



I love to deadlift.

Foam rolling and thoracic mobility

135 x 15, 5
225 x 3
315 x 3
365 x 3
365 x 18 - no belts or straps. grip failed here. I'm such a baby. I'll belt up and use straps when I try 405 for reps in two weeks. I'd really like a 20 rep set with 405.

180lbs x 50'
360 x 50'
540 x 50'
610 x 50'
660 x 50'
710 x 48' 1 drop - first time doing yoke since October of 2009' Really excited this seemed to have stayed the same. forgot how great yoke feels on your back!

Dumbass circuit 30 sec work 30 sec rest - 3 sets
Front squat rack reverse lunge @95lbs / shuttle run / Box Jumps / Pistols / Sled drag forward+reverse @150lbs - pistols are getting much much better. I don't think I'd bomb a WOD with pistols anymore.

I got my video from Hudson Valley up. Fun comp!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Training in the dark


Foam roll + shoulder mobility

Squat Snatch
45 x 5, 5
95 x 5
115 x 5
135 x 3
155 x 3
165 x 1
175 x 3 - New PR but very sloppy. Technique is getting more consistent. Used to take me 5-10 tries to get this weight up. Got 3 on my first try.

Axle Push Press (no jerk)
85 x 5
125 x 5
165 x 5
185 x 6 - didn't expect these to be so tough. lots of work to do here. I'd like to get this close to my push jerk. Best on a regular bar is 225 x 7 about 3 years ago.

Death by Thrusters - not sure if thats what its called. The first minute you have to finish 1 repetition, the 2nd minute you have to complete 2 repetitions, 3rd minute 3 repetitions. If you can't finish the prescribed amount of repetitions in the given minute you're done

Used 135lbs and did 8 rounds + 3 thrusters in the ninth minute. Then Donezo. This was a horrible exercise. My hands are quivering and my left shoulder feels so swollen its going to fall off.

These days are getting shorter! Tonight it got dark halfway through the workout and we trained in the dark. Its a little unnerving to be trying heavy snatches in the dark. I recommend everyone try it!

Friday, September 24, 2010

9/24/2010 Last day of deloading

Last session of the week. Back to heavy stuff on monday. Very pumped for it!

burpee pullups x 10 / wall ball to 12'(40lbs) x 10 / 10 per leg lunges(40lb Med Ball shouldered) / 5 per leg pistols

4 rounds - 14:05

Static stretches for the quads and hips. Rt. Knee started bothering me halfway through, kind of babied that side and slowed down the reps and it felt much better toward the end. I'm supposed to feel better during a deload! Hopefully just a small road bump. Come to think of it I did kung fu knee punch my patella into a chair today accidentally. Could have started that problem...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Still on a deload from the comp last weekend. Probably hit one more light training session later this week and rest till next montag.


Ring Bodysaw 2 x 25 reps - fast becoming one of my favorite abdominal exercises.

Interval work 40seconds on, 20 seconds off, 3 rounds

Ring Pushups(chest to floor) / 55lb DB Overhead Swings / Kipping pullups / Double Unders
29-20-18 / 19-21-21 / 21-15-18/ 54-54-54

Fun circuit, pull ups put a little bit of stress on the back. Still not at 100% yet but getting there!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Loads dropped all day

Deloading this week. Tough comp. Kind of taking it a day at a time.

Foam roll/static stretch/shoulder mobs

9 muscle ups (fullrom) 21 tire jumps(jump in and out = 1 rep) / 6 muscle ups 15 tire jumps / 3 muscle ups 9 tire jumps

4:29 - elbows were hurting a bit on the muscle up so i cut what i was planning on doing down a little. Nice quick workout

Blackburns 3 x 60 seconds various elbow positions.

Taking her easy this week. Super sore but nothing hurts. Deload is very much needed.

Hudson valley Strongman comp.

Alright, I just woke up from a two hour nap and feel like I'm on another planet right now.

Okie dokie, yesterday was the Hudson Valley show put on by Mr. Steve Engels. He always puts on an excellent show, this one was no exception.

I show up around 9:30 and head up to register and weigh in. The scale wavers as I step on, I've been eating a little bit more the past two weeks and my weight could be revolutionary. The numbers finally settle and I come in at a ground pounding 180lbs! (I was cheating a little bit because I had all my stuff stuffed in my pockets but I never thought I'd hit 180lbs without it...)

Well anyway its up from the meager 170-175 I've been so I won't complain.

First event max axle C+P: Haven't used the axle in about 10 months. Messed around with it once before the comp and I was rusty! so I wasn't especially pumped for this event. Anyway, after warmups I was feeling strong and opened at 240. Went up easy. 260 went up pretty easy too. I called for 280. The clean was easy but the press wasn't there. I won't even lie it wasn't that close. 2nd place here.

Second Event 18" silver dollar deadlift. I forgot what this event was called and kept calling it the quarterdeadlift. I'm pretty cool. Anyway my best 18" pull going into this was 575 so I had my doubts when everyone was saying, "yea I've pulled around 700lbs on rack pulls." I'm like uh oh I hope I get 600. I open at 550, easy. Then go 600, easy. Its a wessels rule lift so I only get one more lift. I'm feeling like a young stupid stallionaire so I just go for 700. Aaaaaaaand missed it. I actually got the whole thing off the ground and thought I might lock it at one point but NOPE. Pretty surprised at my strength here though. Atleast I didn't poop myself. Think I tied for 3rd.

Next was Conan's wheel
. Not much to report here. I had to go first and conan's blows butt. I got 600lbs for 115'. Then everyone did better then me... Heh, well not everyone. I think I could have been better here thats all. 3rd.

Next was 2 kegs (230lbs each) run 25' with each one and load it over a yoke and then run over to 2 power stairs implements and get em up two steps (275, 300lbs 18") This one was fun. I went first again and was happy with my time. 33:23. Then two more people beat me, AG! I actually wasn't mad at all.

And Stones. Pretty much the same stones as last year' hudson valley comp. so I wasn't sure where I'd be. I thought my loading wouldn't be where it was last year. Whoa ho ho! Little did I know all those swissle swassle burpee bug rice cakes have improved my stone loading! Nothing especially impressive though. I loaded 4/5 stones. 230, 260, 275, 300 and missed on 330. Heights were 60", 54" 48"? and 46"? I don't know they were high and I couldn't see over some of them!

2nd overall. Lots of fun. 200lb class was very competitive and right up to the last event it was any man's win. I actually think the placement of our competitors was the same as their placement in the stones event, we were so close. Kudos to all the 200lb guys. Everyone really pushed each other.

Thanks to steve and everyone who helped with the show. There were just shy of a trillion competitors, but everything went smoothly. I was especially impressed by the 40, 50 and 60 year olds absolutely killing it here today. I was beat multiple times by 50 year old dudes. I met Travis Ortmayer's father too. Very motivational. Battle at the barn next?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

yes sir

Short one today, Posture and Ab stuff then conditioning

Ring Bodysaw 2 x 20
Gray Cook Kneeling Chop 2 x 20/side @ 20lbs

12 minute AMRAP(as many rounds as possible)
15' rope climb x 3 / 15 burpee box jumps to 24" / 7 x 1h DB swings @75lbs

Finished 5 rounds. Was feeling pretty shot from a lot of consecutive tough days. Rest till saturday now.

Monday, September 13, 2010

yea buddy

First time training today @ home on solid ground ever... Felt great. Cement looks good. Really pumped for the upcoming fun!

Shoulder and hip mobility

Squat Snatch
45 x 10
95 x 5
115 x 5
135 x 5
155 x 8 - Funny set, Mike's got a video. Grinded out 8 reps. On the last rep I walked forward and rammed the plates on one side against the door. I actually finished that rep.

Standing Press
95 x 8
115 x 5
145 x 3
165 x 6
135 x 13 - going up steadily here.

Back Squat
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
240 x 20 - felt terrible, took these a little deeper then normal.

Probably just some conditioning tomorrow then taking it easy till saturday.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

rainy day

Did my last strongman session before Hudson Valley.

Axle continental clean and press. First time working heavy with an axle in over a year ago.
35 x 10
85 x 5, 5
125 x 3
155 x 1
175 x 1
195 x 1
215 x 1
235 x 1
255 x miss
250 x miss
245 x 1 - kind of funny, 245 went right up felt like a had more in the tank. Technique and confidence i guess isn't there yet. We'll see how next weekend goes. I'd love to get 260 up. 275 is my best
215 x 6 clean each rep.

Stone Mess - I don't have a platform up yet. It was rainy and all kinds of dirt and leaves were sticking to each stone. Needless to say it was a bit frustrating and not the best stone session.

I did a retarded medley of picking up my stones and trying to get them as high as possible like I was loading them.
200 x 1, 220 x 1, 240 x 1, 260 x 1, 280 x 1, 310 x 1 - weren't all quick in succession. We'll see how next Saturday goes!

In other news we finally put the cement in at the gym! It looks great and I'll finally be able to do all of my exercises on hard level ground. Sweet!

Friday, September 10, 2010


Wayo, bench day. Wasn't in this workout mentally today, so i made it short

45 x 10
95 x 10
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 3
245 x 2
265 x 2
280 x 3 - should have gotten 4, it hit the rack on the way up. but excuses are like assholes...
245 x 9

BW x 10
25lbs x 5
45lbs x 16

Sled Drags 30 seconds on 30 seconds off. Switched between forward and reverse drags w/200lbs. 10 sets.

Dumpy day. getting cement put in my gym tomorrow pumped as shit. I couldn't ask for a better place to train its nutso.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Traino - in the wreckage !

18" rack pull
45 x 10
135 x 5
225 x 5
315 x 5
385 x 3
435 x 3
485 x 3
525 x 3 PR
550 x 2 PR Wanted 3 here, but I won't be too greedy.

Conans Walk w/yoke
180 x 25'
270 x 25'
360 x 25'
450 x 25'
500 x pick
500lb x 97' - gave myself 60seconds to go as far as i could. Got most of the distance in the first 10-15 seconds. Mike's got a video.

Plank Around the world x 100 reps

145 x 8 squat snatch from the other day and
Rack pulling from the other day 575 x 1 sloppy rep.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


ok, met-con day

20 minute AMRAP (as many rounds as possible)

30 x ring pushups / 30 x 24" box jumps / 30 x ring recline rows / 30 x 55lb 1-hand american swings

Did 4 rounds, 30 pushups, rows, and jumps, and 1 swing

Jumps and swings were unbroken, pushups and rows were a bitch. i think i i ever better at the pushups and rows the box jumps and swings would have been more of a bitch though heh.

Monday, September 6, 2010

9/6/2010 Labor Day training

Foam roll and shoulder mobility

Squat Snatch
95 x 5
115 x5
135 x 2
145 x 8 - getting better

Standing Strict Press
45 x 10
95 x 5, 5
115 x 5
145 x 2
165 x 2
185 x 1
145 x 8

Death by Overhead Squat(115lbs) In the first minute perform 1 squat, 2nd minute perform 2 squats, 3rd minute do 3 squats....

Failed in the twelfth minute.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Lifting weights

Ok, today was so, so. hamstring definitely holding me back from some of the events. However, had a great turnout today. Trained with Joe, Matt, Matt, Mike, and steph. Did some events and stupid conditioning.

Axle Clean and Press - was super pumped for this. had to cut it because it was bothering my hamstring.
85 x 5
125 x 3
175 x 3
195 x 1 - stopped, hamstring was pulling bad. bleh.

Power Stair to 21" tire
100 x 5
145 x 5
190 x 5
225 x 5
250 x 5
275 x 2
300 x 1
325 x 1
335 x 1 - not bad, I was terrible last week.

Sand bag Work
160 to 60"
205 to 60"
250ish to 48" couple misses in there too, this was the meat and potatos

50 double unders
180lb yoke zerchr carry x 150'
25 burpees
180lb zercher carry x 150'
25 x 24" box jumps
150lb reverse drag x 150'
25 burpees
150lb reverse drag x 150'
25 box jumps

7:40 - was tired, wasn't too tough. Getting the shed cemented and doing stones next week. Thanks everyone for coming out and helping me move everything!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

A bit worried

Tweaked my hamstring a bit yesterday and was feeling it a little bit on bodyweight squats today. Only a bit troublesome, but bothers me enough to be worried about my training for the next few weeks. Oh well, be smart Dan.

Shoulder dislocates + thoracic mobility

Bench Press
45 x 5
95 x 5
135 x 5
185 x 3
205 x 3
225 x 3
245 x 1
265 x 1
270 x 5
240 x 10 - Getting better here. Best back when benching was more important(college 3 years ago) was 275 x 7 - getting back

Weighted pullup
BW x 3
45lbs x 3
70 x 3
90 x 6 - New PR - only did one set since I did ninety billion pullups last week and blew my elbows into oblivion.

5 rope climbs @ 15ft. / 21 ring dips / 50 bodyweight squats - 3 rounds for time.

Strength is coming along slowly and steadily, pretty happy with that. Adding in the strongman stuff is definitely taking a toll on my body. More tired throughout the day and more lethargic going into workouts. I am hitting some decent numbers coming back and happy with the progress so thats good. Hudson Valley strongman is September 18th and I've gotta be ready! the events are:

Max Axle clean and press
Conan's wheel 650lbs for distance
Max 18" deadlift - last man standing wins starts at 450lbs
Medley of: 250lb keg walk and load, 250lb keg walk and load, 275lb power stair, 300lb power stair
Stones 240, 275, 310 330 360 I think all different heights.

Conditioning is still very good. Taking tomorrow off and having an awesome event/metcon day saturday with some friends. Pretty pumped. oh ya, my gym's getting some concrete flooring not this saturday but next. I'll get some photos up once its all put together.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


ahhhh september has brought in nice relaxing cool weather!


Training today in 9,000degrees

18" Rack Deadlifts
135 x 10
225 x 5
315 x 3
405 x 1 -belt on
475 x 1
525 x 1 - not tough but my back wasn't feeling good, decided to try a rep set at 475
475 x 3 - didn't feel good either, wasn't too heavy but my back wasn't feeling it. Too close to last deadlifting day. Back was not up to the task today

Deadlift - no belt or straps.
135 x 5
225 x 2
295 x 2
345 x 2
375 x 2
395 x 10 - grip gave out here. I'm glad I tired myself out with the rack pulls before I did this. Should have completely dropped the rack stuff from my training today. Oh well.

Conans Yoke Walks
180 x 50'
270 x 50'
360 x 50'
430 x 50'
500 x 50' - 2 drops, mostly because im walking on super uneven ground. Stepped in a hole at one point, awesome. I really need to move out onto some pavement.

Barbell Walking Lunge
135 x 3/leg
185 x 3/leg
225 x 10/leg - felt my right hamstring tighten up at rep # 20. Otherwise felt strong.