The endless pursuit of strength, fitness and health

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

6/29/2010 training

Supposed to be a deload week

Training video Mike made of the past few workouts

foam roller and dynamic warmup

MB thruster throw 3 x 5
1 leg lateral jump 3 x 5/side

ring 1 arm row 2 x 6/side

Sand Bag Situp 180lbs 2 x 5/side

WOD - 30 ring muscleups for time - 4:22

All muscleups done with arms at full extension at bottom with a kip. Pretty excited for this. I have historically had trouble doing muscleups from a full hang.

Monday, June 28, 2010

6/28/2010 training on the farm

Freaking crazy humid today. Maybe the most I've ever sweat while training.

New vids up from last week training!

175lb snatch + turkeys -

Ring L-sit to Bubka -

Dynamic warmup

MB Punch pass 3 x 5/side
Power Skip 3 x 5/side

Squat Clean + Jerk
95 x 3
135 x 1
155 x 1
175 x 1
185 x 1
195 x 1
205 x 1
215 x 1, 1 - first rep I pulled to far in front of me.
225 x 1
235 x 0, 1
245 x 1 - I'm weak in the full squat, I almost fell forward because i wasn't strong enough to get up. New best in the squat clean, would have liked if this looked beter. Took some video I'll put it up later.

I stopped jerking the weight @225lbs. not because it was too heavy but because split jerking on grass is very dangerous. Working on that platform!

Front Squat position reverse lunge
135 x 2/leg
185 x 2/leg
205 x 4/leg
225 x 2/leg - have some video - this was a little heavier then expected.

Northeast Regionals chipper
Started this 2 hours into the session. Pretty beat at this point. Everything was soaked from the rain/humidity.

10 power cleans @185 + run 45lb plate to sled 100ft away
20 40lb MB slam(don't have a ski erg
30 snatches from floor + run 45lb plate to sled
40 burpees + drag sled to start
50 American swings @60lbs + drag sled back down
60 double unders + run to finish.

15:10 - pretty slow but not bad considering how tough the workout previous was. Mike is getting strong very quickly too. Good stuff. I'll get the vids up soon!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Farm Training 6/26/2010

Heyoooo! Myself, Mike, Jon and my father spent the day adding an addition to the emu's nest gym at home. Really appreciative that my father is helping me with this. Same thing for Mike and Jon. I've got some incredibly cool friends.

The addition will be a perfect spot to put a nice platform and blow through some big O-lifts.

Anyway, here's training

Shoulder mobility with a dowel

Ring Dips / Pronated Pullups (full stretch - chin over bar) - Dips were a little high
55 x 6 / 45 x 6
65 x 4 / 55 x 4
75 x 2 / 65 x 2
65 x 6 / 55 x 6
75 x 4 / 65 x 4
85 x 2 / 75 x 2
75 x 6 / 65 x 6
85 x 4 / 75 x 4
95 x 2 / 85 x 2
85 x 6 / 75 x 6
95 x 4 / 85 x 4
105 x 2 / 95 x 2
95 x 6 / 85 x 6
105 x 4 / 95 x 4
115 x 2 / 105 x 2
105 x 6 / 90 x 6 - 6th rep I rested my feet on the floor for a second
115 x 4 / 105 x 4 - 2nd and 3rd rep were forced, chin was probably short of top.
125 x Miss, I'm tired!

And go home and eat...

Friday, June 25, 2010


Training @ the track

Dynamic Warm up


2 x 100 meter form runs - focusing on keeping my hips underneath me. I tend to run with a big lordosis when I get tired.

5 x 300m runs. 60 sec. rest between sets.

48.5 sec.
47.9 sec.
50.7 sec.
49.5 sec.
50.0 sec.

Pretty tired at the end. Pushed pretty hard. Going for a new best @ the 400 next week.


Great training day today - Mike took some videos on his new iphone, ill try and get em up on my youtube page

Foam Roll
Dynamic Warmup
Lots of snatch technique with dowels

Overhead MB throw and retrieve 3 x 5
Lateral Jump 3 x 5/leg

Speed Deads
135 x 5
185 x 3
205 x 3
215 x 2
225 x 2
235 x 2
245 x 2,2,3 - all nice and fast. Groove is getting engraved.

Squat Snatch from floor
95 x 3
115 x 3
135 x 1
155 x 1
165 x 1
175 x 1 PR, pretty pathetic weight, I can power snatch this for reps but my overhead squat is poor - have a video

Tried a few overhead squats but I was shot.

Ring L-sit to bubka 2 x 4-5 - have a video

Honda civic pushes
5 x 100 ft. I had my buddy Mike brake to a complete stop twice during the 100’ to make it more challenging

Mike is doing incredibly well by the way.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Posting it up!


Foam Roll
Dynamic Warmup

40lb MB Thruster throw 3 x 5
Broad Jump 3 x 5

Bench Press / Ring 1h row 4 x 10
45 x 5
95 x 3
135 x 3
165 x 3
185 x 3
205 x 1
215 x 1
225 x 1
235 x 1
245 x 1
255 x 1
265 x 1
275 x 1
285 x 1 - sloppy, Thinking I need to bump my kcals up a bit to get my strength to start climbing again here.

Sand Bag Turkish Sit-up
140lbs x 5/side
180lbs x 5/side heavy

AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) in 12 minutes
20 double unders / 15 American style kettlebell swing @ 55lbs / 3 ring muscle ups

Finished 7 rounds and 1 set of rope.

All rope and swings unbroken. It was raining so grip was terrible on the muscleups although I didn't miss any reps.

Awesome workout. Past 3-4 weeks I've been eating 3800kcal/day. My weight has gone from 169 to about 172 in this time. I've gotten leaner too, pretty cool. Anyway, my bench performance today shows me I should probably bump my kcals up. I'm going to try 4400kcal/day for the next few weeks, and see how my strength is. I haven't been this light in a long while.

Diet has been all vegetables, fruits, eggs, grass fed beef and venison. Post workout is malto, dextrose and BCAAS.

Hopefully the next few weeks will have me doing something worth taping and posting!

Monday, June 21, 2010



Dynamic Warmup and foam roll

MB Punch Pass 3 x 5/side
Power skip 3 x 10/leg

Squat Clean
95 x 1, 1, 1
115 x 1, 1
135 x 1, 1
155 x 1, 1
165 x 1
175 x 1
185 x 1, 1
195 x 1
205 x 1, 1 - upper back starting to get tired here

Overhead Squat
95 x 3
115 x 1
125 x 1
135 x 1
145 x 1
155 x 1
165 x 1 - new best, very slow rep

Front Squat Position BB Reverse Lunge
135 x 10/leg
165 x 10/leg

Toes to bar x 30, x 20, x 10 - didn't get all the sets unbroken

550 lb tire flip / Burpee box jump
5,4,3,2,1 / 10,8,6,4,2

Finished in 4:53 - all tire flips one motion except last flip. Fun WOD pretty shot after all the work before.

Friday, June 18, 2010

6/18/2010 traino

Stopped at Winslow township highschool for some track work

Dynamic Warmup

A skips
B Skips
C Skips

Form running 2 x 100 meters

6 x 200 meters 60 sec. rest between

30.8 sec
30.9 sec.
31.7 sec.
34.1 sec.
34.3 sec.

Awesome conditioning. I really want to improve here.

Back to the eagles nest.

Ring Dips / Pronated pullups supersetted
45lbs x 7 / 25lbs x 7
70 x 5 / 45 x 5
90 x 3 / 70 x 3
70 x 7 / 45 x 7
90 x 5 / 70 x 5
105 x 3 / 90 x 3
90 x 6 / 70 x 7

Called it there, short for time, going camping this weekend!

Thursday, June 17, 2010


Great day of training

Foam Roll and stretch - lots of snatch technical work too

10lb MB Overhead throw and retrieve 3 x 10 - supersetted with
Lateral hop 3 x 5/side

Speed Deadlift 6 x 2 @ 225 - 30 sec rest between

Squat Snatch from floor - technique is getting much better - feeling much more stabile
45 x 3
95 x 3
115 x 1
115 x 1
125 x 1
135 x 1
145 x 1
145 x 1
155 x 1
155 x 1
165 x 1
165 x 1 - both of these I had a hard time getting stabile at the bottom and coming up without leaning forward, overall very satisfied - new best by 40lbs from monday.

Overhead Squat
95 x 3
115 x 3
125 x 3
135 x 2 - shot from snatches - getting better here too

Ring L-seat to bubka - I'll have to video these, they look pretty cool 3 x 2-5 reps

200lb sled forward pull x 85' on grass
6 sets 30 sec. between sets

Anatomy exam and lab practical tomorrow!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Dynamic warmup and foam roll - really focusing on my snatch technique

MB Thruster Throw 3 x 10 40lbs
Broad Jump 3 x 8

Bench Press
95 x 3
115 x 3
135 x 3
165 x 3
185 x 3
205 x 3
225 x 3
245 x 3
245 x 3
265 x 2 - bench is coming back, still frustrated, this isn't much weight

Ring 1-h Row - supersetted these with the bench 4 x 6/arm

Sand Bag Situp 3 x 5/side @ 150lbs

Pullup / Handstand pushup ladder 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 for time

Finished in 6:55 - pushups were tough, had to rest a bit, pullups were too easy.

Monday, June 14, 2010



My good buddy Mike came to train with me today. He's looking to drop a few lbs and get into his old shape. Awesome goals. Anyway he rolled his ankle shortly into the workout. Pretty disappointing. Anyway I know he'll keep working. Can't let these things in life keep you from your goals.

foam roll + dynamic warmup

MB Punch pass 10lb MB x 5/side
Power skip 3 x 10/leg

Squat Clean + Split Jerk - trying to be powerful and upright out of the hole - no rounded upper back
95 x 3
115 x 3
135 x 2
145 x 1
155 x 1
165 x 1
175 x 1 - feeling better about my technique still not heavy

Overhead Squat
45 x 3
75 x 3
95 x 3
115 x 3
125 x 3 - shoulders feeling more stable

BB Front Squat Hold Reverse Lunge
125 x 6/leg
145 x 6/leg
155 x 6/leg

Ring Overhead Paloff Press 3 x 10

Tire flip/sled reverse drag medley 2 sets
500ish lb tire 1 motion x 5 / 250lb sled x 75 ft. on grass

Been studying like an animal for gross anatomy at school. Exams are this friday!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

6/12/10 training


Strength starting to come back.

Foam Roll and Dynamic Warmup + Snatch flexibility stuff

Burpee + Jump for height 3 x 15
40lb MB Clean and Thruster throw 3 x 10

Ring Dip/Pronated Pullup Full head forward stretch at bottom - all #'s in pounds

25 x 8 / BW x 8
45 x 6 / 25 x 6
70 x 4 / 45 x 4
45 x 8 / 35 x 8
60 x 6 / 50 x 6
80 x 4 / 60 x 4
70 x 8 / 50 x 8
80 x 6 / 60 x 6
90 x 4 / 75 x 4

Had more in the tank at the end - getting acquainted to the exercises for now

4 x 400m sprints 60 sec. rest between

Didn't have a stop watch, focused on technique - plan on going for a new best on the 400 in 3 weeks.


Thursday, June 10, 2010


Dumpy workout today. So weak going back into it. I'm lifting on grass which makes it extremely difficult to olympic lift. Changing this soon.

Foam Roll Dynamic warmup

MB Overhead throw and retrieve 3 x 10
SL Lateral Jump 3 x 5/side

Squat Snatch - full depth
95 x lots of 1-3 reps
105 x lots of 1-3 reps. Having extreme difficulty at the bottom portion of the lift.

Deadlift - first rep on ground, last rep in the ground
315 2 x 5 - easy but didn't feel great.

Ring L-sit raise 3 x 10

Car Pushes 3 x 80 yards Honda Civic

I hate losing strength. Olympic lifts are hard!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Its been some time

Well, stopped blogging midway through my cross country trip, got pretty busy and wasn't able to get to some internet. Just started physical therapy school. its very cool, I am currently dissecting some cadavers!

Anyway workouts....


Foam roll and dynamic warmup

Rotary MB throw 3 x 5/side
Power Skips 3 x 10/side

Squats Clean + Jerk
Few sets of 1-3 @ 135. I'm going as deep as possible with the squats

Over Head Squats 3 x 5 @ 65lbs - deep as possible, I have a big problem with these

Front Squat Hold Reverse Lunge
65 x 8/side
95 x 8/side
115 x 8/side

Sled Reverse Drags 4 x 100ft.


Dynamic warmup and foam roll

Broad Jump 3 x 5
Clap Pushups 3 x 5
MB Slam 3 x 10

Bench Press
135 x 5, 5
185 x 5, 5
205 x 5
225 x 5 - technique work, haven't benched in a while

1h ring rotary row 4 x 8/side - feet elevated

Sand Bag Situps 3 x 5/side @ 100lbs

24" box Jump/Handstand pushup/Double Under/Chest to bar pullup
10,8,6,4,2 reps descending - kept 15 box jumps throughout

Getting ready for crossfit next year!