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Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Well, Its getting warmer outside. NOPE!

Max Effort Upper

Long Dynamic warmup

Axle Bench
85 x 5
125 x 5
175 x 3, 3
195 x 3
215 x 3
235 x 3
255 x 3
275 x 3
295 x 1
305 x 1
315 x 1 - New Best on an axle. Really pushed on this one. Little too much back strain

Weighted Pushup - supersetted(SS) with ring recline rows (feet elevated)
BW x 5
45lbs x 10
90 x 10
135 x 10
160 x 6

Ring Recline Row (Feet up)
BW x 5
45lbs x 10
90 x 10
115 x 10
135 x 6
90 x 6

Facepull SS w/Prone Shoulder DB external rotation 3 x 10-15 on both

Everyone had a strong day today.