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Thursday, June 17, 2010


Great day of training

Foam Roll and stretch - lots of snatch technical work too

10lb MB Overhead throw and retrieve 3 x 10 - supersetted with
Lateral hop 3 x 5/side

Speed Deadlift 6 x 2 @ 225 - 30 sec rest between

Squat Snatch from floor - technique is getting much better - feeling much more stabile
45 x 3
95 x 3
115 x 1
115 x 1
125 x 1
135 x 1
145 x 1
145 x 1
155 x 1
155 x 1
165 x 1
165 x 1 - both of these I had a hard time getting stabile at the bottom and coming up without leaning forward, overall very satisfied - new best by 40lbs from monday.

Overhead Squat
95 x 3
115 x 3
125 x 3
135 x 2 - shot from snatches - getting better here too

Ring L-seat to bubka - I'll have to video these, they look pretty cool 3 x 2-5 reps

200lb sled forward pull x 85' on grass
6 sets 30 sec. between sets

Anatomy exam and lab practical tomorrow!

1 comment:

MikeBaturin said...

Ahhh crap missing this. Dan can you use your powers to heal my ankle!