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Friday, November 4, 2011

Well, today I picked up 1/5th of a cow

Time to play, guess what's in these plastic bags?

If you guessed kidneys, heart, tongue, liver and bones you would be correct!

Steph and I purchased 1/5th of a cow from Neptune Farms in Salem County NJ. The cow was organicly raised and 100% pasture fed. I'm pretty excited to get my grub on. We got about 70-75lbs of meat, organs and bones for $364. That comes out to about $5 per pound of good old grub. We get all cuts including about 1/3 ground beef, 1/3 organs and bones and 1/3 steaks and other cuts. Now how do I cook all of this? I'm excited to make some sausage from the organs and some stock from the bones. Seriously guys check out to find some high quality, reasonably priced, locally farmed, environmentally friendly and healthy food!

10/29/2011 - Dynamic Warmup + Overhead Squat and Snatch practice

Glute Ham raises 3 x 10

Hero WOD
3 Handstand Pushups/225lb deadlift x 6/12 pullups/24 double unders x 10 rounds for time.

Finished somewhere between 17 and 18 minutes, I think I remember Khalipa doing this in about 11:30

11/2/11 - Dynamic Warmup and Band X-walks

Deadlifts + 90lbs of chains at the top and 40lbs at the bottom. No belt
135 x 5
225 x 5
325 x 3
375 x 3
405 x 3
425 x 3 - Back rounded a bit at the top and I repositioned and finished it. I need to clean up my technique.

Back Squats
95 x 6
135 x 6
185 x 6
225 x 6
246 x 6 - My focus is on depth and technique. My knees are feeling great so far.

Overhead Squat/Pistols/Bodyweight Squats
95lbs x 10 / 5 per leg / 25 reps
115lbs x 6 / 5 per leg / 25 reps
135lbs x 6 / 5 per leg / 25 reps

11/4/2011 - Dynamic Warmup - forgot to do prehab today

Bench Press - 80-100lbs of chain at the top, 40-50lbs at the bottom.
125 x 5
175 x 5
215 x 3
245 x 1
255 x 1
265 x 1 - Chains are tricky, but fun

2 and 1/2" thick bar Dumbbell Press - A birthday gift from Steph, these things are massive and awesome! I'm very happy to be Dumbbell Pressing again. These were very awkward. I know I'll be pushing big weight again soon. Maybe 140-150lbs per hand?!? I supersetted these with ring pullups and Bicep curls
60lbs x 5
110lbs x 5, 7 - awkward still. Could not get in the correct groove.
90lbs x 17 - better, but not perfect yet.

Ring pullups (focusing on getting my shoulders to touch the rings at the top)
Bodyweight x 10, 10, 10, 8

Rope Low Cable Bicep Curl 3 x 8-12

Intervals of 30 seconds on, 15 seconds off. 4 exercises, 3 rounds
Toes to bar / 30lb DB thruster / Ring Dips / Burpee

The toes to bar bothered my back a bit here even when hammering technique, I think I'll leave these out of my training for now

Good Eats:
8:00 am
Bone Broth
Brazil Nuts

10:00 - half of my trusty shake
2 bananas
1/2 can coconut milk
Greek Yogurt
Olive Oil

other half of my shake

2 sweet potatoes
Salad (romaine, arugula, spinach, broccoli, carrots, tomato, olives)
2 hard boiled eggs
Dressing (olive oil, white vinegar, garlic, pepper, oregano, red pepper flakes, cayenne)

6:00 - 10g BCAA

Sweet potato Fries
Roasted broccoli and cauliflour with garlic and olive oil
Caramelized onions and mushrooms
Lots of manchego and feta cheese

Steph's mom cooked that dinner. I ate like a king.

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